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Explore a new language at the library, at home or on the go using any Internet-connected device. Available in 110+ languages, including ESL, learners have the flexibility they need to learn a new language anytime, anywhere.
Theodore Roosevelt's bestselling memoir chronicling the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry and its victory at San Juan Hill in the Spanish-American War. Yearning to join the fight for Cuban independence in the Spanish–American War, Theodore Roosevelt and Col. Leonard Wood formed the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry. They enlisted a motley crew from all walks of life, from cowboys and frontiersmen to Ivy League graduates. These 1,250 men became...
2) Cuba libre
Delacorte Press
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A novel on the Spanish-American War featuring adventurer Ben Tyler, an Arizona horse dealer. Just as he arrives in Cuba with a shipment of guns and horses, war breaks out. To get his money, he is sucked into fighting between Spain, the U.S. and Cuban revolutionaries seeking independence from both.
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"From New York Times bestselling author Lauren Willig comes a dramatic coming of age story with a dual timeline and a single heroine--a bold and adventuring young woman who finds herself caught up in two very different wars on both sides of the Atlantic."--
September 1896: As an aspiring archaeologist, Smith College graduate Betsy Hayes travels to Athens, desperate to break into a very male-dominated field and find work at some of the world's most...
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When America declared war on Spain in 1898, the US Army had just 26,000 men, spread around the country—hardly an army at all. In desperation, the Rough Riders were born. A unique group of volunteers, ranging from Ivy League athletes to Arizona cowboys and led by Theodore Roosevelt, they helped secure victory in Cuba in a series of gripping, bloody fights across the island. Roosevelt called their charge in the Battle of San Juan Hill his “crowded...
William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
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"From the author of To Hell on a Fast Horse comes a definitive account of this legendary U.S. fighting force during the Spanish-American War and its extraordinary leader, Theodore Roosevelt."--NoveList.
The explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor in February 1898 stunned the world and triggered a war between the United States and Spain. Congress authorized President McKinley to recruit a volunteer force to help drive the Spaniards out of Cuba,...
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Spur Award winning author Dale Walker tells the colorful story of Americas most memorable fighting force, the volunteer cavalry known as the Rough Riders. From its members, and their slapdash training in Texas and Florida, to its battles at Las Gusimas and San Juan Hill under the command of Theodore Roosevelt, who kept riding, some say, into the White House.