From the Book - [1st ed.]
Robert Frost, New American Poet --
Of Aze-Handles and Guide-Book Poetry --
Notes from Conversations --
A Visit in South Saftsbury --
A Visit in South Saftsbury --
An Unauthorized Interview and adn Unsent Letter --
"We seem to lack the courage to be ourselves." --
"There will always be something left to know..." --
Two Interviews in Denver --
Latest Poem by Robert Frost Versifies New Deal Is Lost --
"I say let the sheep and the goats run together..." --
An Annotated Interview --
A Visit on Beacon Hill --
Of Baseball Shoes, Poverty, War, Simplification, et cetera --
A Medal and Two Interviews --
"I'm just a natural gambler." --
A Visit to 35 Brewster Street --
"Deed that count are liberties taken with the conventions." --
"If you would have out the way a man feels about God, watch his life, hear his words." --
On Liberties adn Freedom --
o the People and the Press --
It Takes a Hero to Make a Poem --
A Poet and a National Symbol --
Washington Has a New Kind of Bereaucrat --
"Poet in Waiting" Bids for a Rating --
He Himself Is Perhaps the Biggest Metaphor of All --
The Consultant Complains at Not Being Consulted --
Frost Predicts Kennedy Will Be President --
Of Passionate Preferance --
"I ws always a bookseller." --
"What I want is an assurance from Washington that our government is aware of teh arts..." --
"The Whole thing is performance and prowess and feats of association." --
Helping to Usher in "An Agustan Age" --
I'll rumple their brains, fondly..." --
Supper with Robert Frost --
"I like anything that penetrates the mysteries." --
"I'm modestly satisfied. I've gotten my truth of feeling in." --
A Visit in South Miami with Talk of Death and LIfe --
On the Eve of a Birthday --
A Medal, a Book, and a Banquet --
"It's hard to get into this world and hard to get out of it."