World revolutions and revolutions in the world-system / Terry Boswell
1968 : the Great rehearsal / Giovanni Arrighi, Terence K. Hopkins, and Immanuel Wallerstein
Liberty, equality, and faternity/solidarity : from transitory revolution to transformatory social movements / Andre Gunder Frank
Revolution in the periphery : Angola, Cuba, Mozambique, and Nicaragua / Catherine V. Scott and Gus B. Cochran
Colonialism and revolution in Southeast Asia : a comparative analysis / Jeff Goodwin
Dependency and revolution : a perspective on Nicaragua / Royce Quinton Shaw
Revolution and the agrarian bourgeoisie in Nicaragua / Jeffery M. Paige
Revolution in the semiperiphery : the case of Iran / David Jorjani
Populist revolution and the Islamic state in Iran / Val Moghadam
The Polish crisis of 1980-1981 and theories of revolution / Valerie Bunce
Harvesting Counterrevolution : agricultural exports in Pinochet's Chile / Walter L. Goldfrank
Revolution in South Africa? / Frank J. Lechner
Revolution : a president's perspective / Jimmy Carter.