Corey Sienega
1) Miss Potter
Weinstein Company
Pub. Date
In an effort to give their younger brother, Norman a project to keep him busy now that he has joined the family publishing house, the older Warne brothers agree to publish Miss Beatrix Potter's first children's book. They don't expect the book to sell well, but they need to keep Norman busy. As a single woman living in Edwardian London, Beatrix suspects this endeavor may provide her with a small measure of freedom. But she also has very specific ideas...
New Line Home Entertainment
Pub. Date
David is a widowed science fiction writer who adopts Dennis, a young boy who claims to be from the Red Planet. David believes the child acts strangely in order to process the difficulty he has had in his young life, but soon both David and his sister, Liz, begin to wonder if the boy might be telling the truth.