William D. Cohan
William D. Cohan's superb and shocking narrative chronicles the fall of Bear Stearns and the end of the Second Gilded Age on Wall Street, explaining how a combination of risky bets, corporate political infighting, lax government regulations and truly bad decision-making wrought havoc on the world financial system.
Flatiron Books
Pub. Date
"William D. Cohan brings to life on the page four friends of his who died young. All four attended Andover, the most elite boarding school in America. Jack Berman, the child of impoverished Holocaust survivors, uses his unlikely Andover pedigree to achieve the American dream, only to be cut down in an unimaginable act of violence. Will Daniel, Harry Truman's grandson and the son of the managing editor of The New York Times, does everything possible...
Random House
Pub. Date
"A timely, counterintuitive defense of Wall Street and the big banks as the invisible--albeit flawed--engines that power our ideas, and should be made to work better for all of us Maybe you think the banks should be broken up and the bankers should be held accountable for the financial crisis in 2008. Maybe you hate the greed of Wall Street but know that it's important to the proper functioning of the world economy. Maybe you don't really understand...
Portfolio/Penguin, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC
Pub. Date
"The dramatic rise-and unimaginable fall-of America's most iconic corporation by New York Times bestselling author and pre-eminent financial journalist William D. Cohan No company embodied American ingenuity, innovation, and industrial power more spectacularly and more consistently than the General Electric Company. GE once developed and manufactured many of the inventions we take for granted today, nearly everything from the lightbulb to the jet...